Friday 29 January 2016

This weeks Highlights

Our Year 2 children went on an adventure on Wednesday. It began with a taxi ride (a little adventure in its own way. We've never had a taxi ride from school before!)
 It took us to Stalham Academy where we met up with our friends from Sutton and Year 3 for a great maths day. There were 4 activities all based around a book .We counted , marched and brave Mrs Long even got out the  water  to help us with our Maths.
The books we used were:

Look out for them at school !!       And we have lots of others too.

On Tuesday we braved the rain and headed off to the Chapel Pit. 
It is the local area we are studying in science. 
We wanted to see how much it had changed since our last visit in September.
There were a lot of differences especially the trees that had lost all their leaves, but it was a lot harder to find bugs, flowers and berries

These are the first snowdrops we have seen this year

Today was a really windy day so what better than to make and fly a kite!
 Which is exactly what Reception did .

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